Monday, October 9, 2023

What was Robin like as a baby and a child?

 Robin Was born on a cold Winter day in February.  She was 3 weeks early. She weighed 6 pounds.  We brought Robin home in the biggest snowstorm of the year.

Robin was a good baby, very content.  
As Robin grew, she had favorite parents; from 9 months to 18 parents, she only wanted her mom. After 18 months, she only wanted her dad.  She became a daddy's girl.  So when Dad had to go to work, she was not very happy. 
She didn't like people.  She wouldn't let anyone hold her from, and if anyone tried, she would snub them. She had the cutest snub for people.
She liked playing by herself more than she did with her siblings.
She was willing to try things as she got older, like 4-H projects, and did a great job. Singing in front of her school and doing a solo.  
She was quieter and more reserved than my other kids; she was content to play alone.  She did love her younger sister and tried to be a momma to her.  One day, she pulled Jennifer out of her crib and carried her by the neck, bringing her to me.   
She was a good baby and a good kid.

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