Sunday, September 10, 2023

What is a funny story that happened to you?

 We went on vacation to Florida, we stopped at a alligator farm, we were feeding peanuts to monkey in a cage, he knocked a peanut out of my hand, I bent over to pick it up, he reached out and grab my glasses off of my face. He skated with them on the bottom or his cage.  Ruined them beyond use.  These we were my very first pair or glasses and new.  Rob

Monkey Steals Sunglasses - YouTube

When I was about 6 or 7, I was given my first bike by a neighbor.  Another neighbor boy had a huge snapping turtle. He convinced me that the turtle was a good bed and wanted to trade my bike for the turtle.  I made the trade.  I learned quickly that a snapping turtle was not a good pet.  

Common snapping turtle - WikipediaViolet 

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