Sunday, September 10, 2023

How did you join the church?

 After Many years of taking the discussions from many sets of Elders.  I decided one last time to take the discussions and really either be committed or not to the church After the 3rd discussion they asked if I would commit to baptism.  I was ready to commit to the church and be baptized.  It was a cold - snowy winter day on  December 28th 1999?   I was baptized in the Beckley Ward by my son Thomas Doolittle.  -Rob

What is the Purpose of Baptism in the Book of Mormon? | Book of Mormon  Central

I was living with my mom and our next door  neighbor who became my first foster parents had the Elders over a lot, I was over at their house a lot also.  I took the discussions and wanted to be baptized.  I had to have my mom and dad's permission to get baptized, that took a while for them to Agree that I could be baptized.  
I was Baptized on  October 18th 1969,  in the Charleston Stake Building,  Beckley Branch  did not have a baptismal font at that time.  So all baptisms was done at our Stake Center. 

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