Thursday, November 23, 2023



On WestWood
At Plum Orchard

Holly River
Moncove Lake

Rob Growing Up


Violet Growing Up


Robert's Parents: Robert and Anna


Violet's Mom Grandma Mae


What are you most grateful for?

 I am grateful for my husband, kids grandchildren, I am grateful for my health, and grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that blessed me with all that I have.


I am grateful for my life and for the way my life has turned out.  I am thankful for my family, and for a wife who has supported me throughout my life. Grateful for the health I have and the health my kids and grandkids have, grateful that all our children have turned out to be responsible independent adults.



Emily's Family: Jay, Zach Josh, and Hannah

Thomas's Family: Candice and her kids

Robin's Family: Jeremy, Olivia, Garrett, Devin, Andi

Jennifer and Derek

Oliva and Ryan

What are some of your holiday traditions?

The traditions of our family have always been togetherness. Since childhood, I can always remember celebrating holidays in large family gatherings.  I 

I once attended as a grandchild, and now that I am a grandparent, we still try to celebrate holidays as a family affair.

When our kids were small, we always opened Christmas early.  They were up sometimes at 3am wanting to open presents.  We would hold them off as long as we could.  
After stocking and presents, we would have cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate.  We would often travel to Granny and papa's house to have lunch and open more presents.  
That was our tradition

for years.